اسناد انگلیسی مربوط به نایبیان
British documents
(As original writing)
* * *
Febuary 8, 1913
Nayeb Husseyn is reported to have undertaken to recover the
effects etc. robbed from the Craven of Akbar Mirza at Shurab on 23th January (
see Isfahan news No 5 para 35 ). He continues his endeavors to obtain the
Governorship of Kashan and is said to have made large remittances to Tehran
with this object.
* * *
April 12, 1913
new post master recently arrived from Isfahan has stated that all posts for the
East of Persia will be handed to Nayeb Hossain's Sawars stationed at Natanz and
carried by them through to Naien where they will be handed to the post master
and whence the mails from the East of Persia will be carried to Natanz and
thence to Ardesten instead of as formerly via Isfahan.
* * *
was dispatched to the locality and attacked and routed the insurgents.
peace has not been broken on the Afghan borders, although there were
disquieting signs of activity across the frontier, and some private raiding
into Seistan in Chakansur region had to be countered.
unusual incidents have been reported from the central and southern provinces.
The attitude of Mashallah Khan, the ex-brigand of
Kashan, has been unsatisfactory for some time past, and coercive measures were
contemplated, but he has now notified his intention to comply with the orders
sent to him to appear in Tehran.
Bakhtiari chiefs, in a recent conference at Ispahan, re-elected Sardar Zafar as
Ilkhani and Sardar Asbja as llbegi for the current year.
South Persia Rifles columns employed in the Isfahan operations are now
returning to their stations in Shiraz and Kerman. A detachment of South
Persia-Rifles has been stationed on the Bushire road with headquarters at Bushire,
* * *
May 3, 1913
is rumored that Nayeb Husseyn's men have been ordered to proceed to the Shiraz
road to assist the Gendarmerie.
Favorable reports of the corps have been received from
most of the outlying districts.
* * *
May 24, 1913
signaller, I.E.T.D, reports that Nayeb Husseyn's Sawars returning from Yazd
were orderly but the villagers had to defray their expenses.
* * *
June 21, 1913
fever continues and is reported rife in Kashan itself and the surrounding
villages. Many fatal cases.
* * *
September 13, 1913
Sawars going to yazd are reported to have
taken more than 2,000 Tomans from villagers round Ardestan. Mashallah Khan on
hearing this news, despatched Mirza Abbas Khan after the Sawars to investigate
and report.
* * *
(Qum. 14th March, 1914.
I.E.T.D reports as follows:
About 160 mounted gendarmes with some guns from Tehran
passed for Burujerd and 130 gendarmes on foot also going there but have halted
here for present, Reported three or four of Nayeb Husseyn's men have offered to
Government fifty thousand tumans for the expenses of an expedition to Kashan
against Nayrb Huseyn and two of these men with about 50 armed sawars have gone
to adjoining villages of Kashan and others will follow them and assist
Government troops if an attack is made on Naib Husseyn.
* * *
This Document is the Property of His Britannic Majesty's Government.
Persia and central.
[49732] No.
Sir G. Buchanan to Sir Edward Grey.
Petrograd, September 15, 1914.
Your telegram No. 736 of 12th September: Persian
spoke this morning to Minister for foreign Affair as instructed.
His Excellency said that he. Knew nothing about
Nayeb Husseyn and reported offer of Russian protection of life and property.
my dwelling on the importance of maintaining an efficient gendarmerie for
preservation of order so long as war lasted his Excellency said he entirely
concurred, provided that we did not ask him to provide money necessary for its
upkeep. He would, he said, discuss
various questions to which I had called his attention with M. de Klemm, and let
me know his views later.
[2251 q-1]
* * *
[This Document is the Property of His Britannic Majesty's Government]
Persia and central Asia.
[51980] No.
Sir G. Buchanan to Sir Edward Grey, (Received September 22.)
(No. 137.)
Petrograd, September 22, 1914.
MY telegram No. 413 of 15th September: Persian
Government state that they have no intention of protecting Nayeb Husseyn.
Moreover, the latter, though formerly guilty of acts of brigandage, had for two
years not only given no cause for complaints in this respect, but had even, in
conjunction with his son, greatly contributed to the maintenance of order on
Tehran-Ispahan road, they had given Imperial Government no reason for
anticipating a return to his former lawless pursuits.
As regards gendarmerie, Imperial Government
consider its utility is incontestable, and they have already offered to help
Persian Government, on far from onerous terms, a loan of 300,000 tomans for its
upkeep, an offer which has not yet been accepted. Russian Government add that
in present circumstances it would hardly be possible to advance a larger sum.
[2251 v—5]
* * *
January 24, 1915.
complaints have been received in Isfahan against Sardar-i Soulat the Bakhtiari
governor of that place (son of Zaigham-ul Sultan)
The following report under date of 24th
January has been received from the I.E.T.D.
signaller at Kashan.
khan Esteki one of Nyeb's chiefmen who had run away from Kashan and had joined
Gendarmerie at Qum has returned to Kashan. Reza khan Juzany again joined to Nayebs.
Dr.Pugin arrived during week from Tehran
and had good reception by the Nayebs and was put up by Mashallah khan.
Dr Pugin has appointed said Mohamed Thagi Kashani as Turkish
consular agent in Kashan. Dr.Pugin has hoisted Turkish flag at Mashallah khan
and Nayeb Ali's residence pretending it belongs to Molla Rafail a jew who is
Turkish subject: All the property of Mashallah khan and Nayeb Ali is placed at
the disposal of Molla Rafail Jew to enable formers to get Turkish protection.
Dr. Pugin left Kashan yesterday for Isfahan.
* * *
Ispahan news No. 6 for the week ending 7th Ferbruary 1915.
43. Condition of town and Environs, ,
Town has been quiet though mildly excited over the arrival of the long
expected Dr.Pugin who for about a week had been delaying at Gaz whence he had
sent frequent messengers to enquire without the official reception which he
claimed to receive.
Fugin entered the town on the afternoon of 4th February with a considerable
following of hired conveyances and one or two private carriages. The only
persons of any importance in the procession were some members of the Malik -ut -Tujjar's
family, the brother of Amin -ut- Tujjar, a certain Mirza Muhammad Khan
(formerly a dependent of Sarura- ed -Dowleh) and some dependents of Zargam -
ul- Sultaneh. Dr.Pugin's carriage was escorted by about 15 sawars from Nayeb
Husseyn, and 3 of Juzani's sawars in his own pay and a detachment of about 40
gendarmes headed by a Persian Officer. Three sheep were slaughtered along the
proceeded to the large house formerly occupied by the representatives of the
Societe du Tombac over which on 4th instant the German and Turkish flags were
hoisted. By evening the German flag had been torn to ribbons (a fact which has
struck the Persian imagination) and has not been seen again.
his arrival Dr. Pugin has been reciting anyone who would call on him including
a good many persons of the lower orders whom his followers, stationed at his
gate, stop as they pass and invite into the house. He is reported to have given out that he will drive out the
British and Russian Consuls, himself occupy the Russian Consulate and cause the
Karguzar to be dismissed for failure to furnish him an official reception.
the morning of the 1st February two men were hung in the Maidan - e- Shah, one
a Qumishehy malefactor, the other one of the three men concerned in the recent
attack on Kahkesh captured and brought to town by the Sawars of the Governor
General. (See I.N.No 5 para 34 end of).
* * *
Febuary 21, 1915.
I.E.T.D. Signaler telegraphs as follows on 21th February.
Governor has taken from Mirza Abdol Husseyn 1300 Tomans cash besides valuable
property carried off from his and his brother's and late Moad-ul -Sultan's
houses and by governor General's orders has handed over Mirza Abdul Husseyn to
Mojahed Sultan who arrived from Isfahan for that purpose and probably will
return with Mirza Abdul Husseyn. Reported Reza Juzany is lurking Ardistan-
Isfahan road. Fresh lot of Kashi Sawars have been appointed for Kashan main
road. Relived Sawars returning to Kashan".
* * *
Febuary 21, 1915
Dr.Pugin arrived during week from Tehran and had
good reception by the Nayebs and was put up by Mashallah khan. Dr Pugin has appointed saied Mohamed Thagi
Kashani as Turkish consular agent in Kashan.Dr.Pugin has hoisted Turkish flag
at Mashallah khan and Nayeb Ali's residence pretending it belongs to Molla
Rafail a jew who is Turkish subject: All the property of Mashallah khan and
Naib Ali is placed at the disposal of Molla Rafail Jew to enable formers to get
Turkish protection.Dr. Pugin left Kashan yesterday for Isfahan.
* * *
14th March 1915 reports:
Nayeib Husseyn's contract for his services with
Government expires 22th on New Year’s Day and he is in great fear on hearing a
party of gendarmes having passed Qum on their way to Burujerd. He is
collectting all his men around him. Some of his former chief men who are
against him with about 40 men are waiting at Taragh to attack him when reinforcement
arrives from Government.
* * *
F.0.243 / No.7
From Isfahan,
March 15, 1915.
March. I.E.T.D.reports as follows:
About 150 mounted Gendarmes with some guns
from Tehran passed for Burujerd and 130 Gendarmes on foot also going there but
have halted here for present.
three or four of Nayeb Husseyn's men have offered to Government fifty thousand tumans
for the expense: of an expedition to Kashan against Nayeb Husseyn and two of
these men with about 50 armed Sawars have gone to adjoining villagers Of Kashan
and others will follow them and assist Government troops if an attack is made
on Nayeb Husseyn.
* * *
made on 21th March from the I.E.T.D.
Kashan show that rumors current
in Isfahan at the end of the week to the effect that Reza khan Juzani had been arrested and handled over by
Nayeb Hussein to the Persian Government, are unfounded. Reza khan is in
enjoyment, of full liberty and apparently on the best of terms with Mashallah
* * *
March 23, 1915
Qum. The
I.E.T.D. signaler reports 29th March:
Sultan Hussein Agha, chief of Qum Gendarmes, has
detained Haji seyyed Mohammed and Agha Farajullah, two respectable Kashan
merchants, who were on their way to Tehran, accusing them as being agents of Nayebb
Husseyn. Evidently with the intention of taking some money from them and has misrepresented that matter to his
headquarters that they are robbers and belong to Naib Husseyn!
* * *
Kashan: The I.E.T.D.signaller reports
29th March 1915, as following:
Reza khan Juzani's men who had been robbing caravans
round about Isfahan have brought the goods to Kashan. Nayeb Husseyn is restoring to their owners
the stolen property after taking his commission.
Husseyn is much alarmed at rumors that troops are coming from Isfahan and
Tehran direction from Kashan and he is molesting people and says if any force
is sent to Kashan he will cause great trouble to everyone. It is said that the
number of his two former chief, who are against him at Naragh, are increasing
200 merchants have taken refuge in the Persian Telegraph office and protesting
to Tehran for arrest of two Kashani merchants at Qum, by gendarmes who blame
them as having connection with Naib Husseyn.
* * *
April 4, 1915
Kashan. I.E.T.D. Department, 4th April
as following:
is reporting that Nayeb Husseyn who has sent about 250 men to Naragh agaist
Karam khan and others who also about same number of men. They had come into
conflict with each other and had few casualties on each side and Nayeb have brought 60 men to Kashan as prisoners and Karam khan is said to have
rain and severe hail storm on 2th lasted about quarter of an hour. Hailstorms
were very large causing great damage to fruit trees and corps.
* * *
(Qum I.E.T.D. Department reports 4th April 1915,
as follows:
is said that officer in charge of the Gendarmerie has taken 500 tomans from the
two Kashani merchants and has released them. On condition that they should not
leave town without his permission.
* * *
The Enemy (April l9, 1515.)
Ardistan: Developements fail.
Pro-Turkish movements in Qum and
Mashallah Khan
offers his services to Persian Governnent for War.
* * *
April 11, 1915
Ardestan. I.S.T.D.reports under date of
11th April:
khan after an encounter with Nayeb Husseyn's party at Kamoon, passed here on
Monday with about 20 followers to Mozdabad and returned here with Sardar Soulat
on Thursday and they are in telegraphic communication with Tehran. About 30
Kashi Sawars arrived yesterday to strengthen their party here.
* * *
(Kashan. I.E.T.D. Reports 11th April, 1515.
is a rumor that a party gendarmes coming towards Kashan.
And Nayebs are getting prepared to meet them in
case of attack.
* * *
Qum. I.E.T.D. reports 11th April as follows:
from all station were called into town and were dispatched on to some mission
towards Mahallat on 9th instant, Hence rumor afloat they are going
to Kashan but I learn from good authority they are not intended for Kashan.
* * *
18, 1915
Ardistan. The I.E.T.D.reports under date of 18th
April, 1915.
Soulat and Karam khan with all their followers returned to Mazdabad on monday
12th April.
* * *
Qum. The I.E.T.D. reports 13th April as follows:
who were sent away from here as reported last week returned from Neyzar
escorting of about 150 camel loads of ammunition intended for Tehran.
Frick who had come from Tehran on inspection having investigated complaints against
Sultan Husseyn Agha, chief of Qom gendarmes and one or two other petty
officers, finding them guilty has sent them to Tehran and he is returning to
Tehran today.
* * *
April 25, 1915
Karam khan and Sardar Soulat,
with large party, arrived Ardistan about 19th April and took up position in the
Imamzadeh. The Sawars of Nayeb Husseyn occupying the Chaparkhaneh. Hot firing
began at dawn on 20th. Eventually the deputy governor intervened.
Firing ceased. Sardar Soulat allowed the chief of Nayeb Husseyn's Sawars and
his second in command to keep their arms and horses and remain with the deputy
governor, He disarmed the others about fifteen and carried them with all their
effects to Mazdabad. Total casualties, one man of Karam khan, wounded, died in
the evening.
Remaining Kashi road guards for
the Nayeb - Ardestan road have left for Kashan.
* * *
April 27, 1915.
Reported that Reza khan Juzani's Sawars have
robbed some carvans near Kohroud and goods are brought to Kashan and being sold
here .
* * *
An Austrain officer
visited Nayebs took photograph of Mashallah khan with his Sawars and promised
them every assistance and hopes of setting their affairs.
time telling them that if they go to frontier, Germans will supply those rifles
and ammunition,
* * *
April 29, 1915
The German
Minister visits the Nayeby's head quarters in Kashan and hoists German and
Turkish flag at Mashallah khan head quarters, indicating Nayeby's are protected
by Germany.
* * *
[This Document'is the Property of His Britannic
Majesty's Government.]
NEWS No. 18 FOR The week ending 2nd May 1915.
May 2, 1915
Qum and Kashan the reported approach of the Turks to Kermanshah has given rise
to considerable excitement. In the
former there has been difficulty about cashing notes of the imperial Bank of
Persia, in the latter Mashallah khan has
offered his services with those of 3000 men
to the Persian Government, should it declare war on any foreign power.
* * *
Condition of town
and Environ.
Undercurrent of agitation continues, 26 April. Meeting of
Clergy in Masdjed i Shah. in Isfahan.
Sheikh Hadi & Sheikh
Reza arrived from Najaf with "Ahkam".
Governor General calls on Haji Agha Nouruilah. Differences arranged.
1 st .May. Meeting of (Clergy at Takht i Pulad).
Sharif- ul -Vaezin arrives from Kashan. 6 April.
Fireworks for opening of
8 May. Bazaar looking
askance on notes of Imperial Bank. Muttamid i Khaghan
and Hadji Saied Habibulah appointed Deputies. Democrats purchasing arms.
Price, stationery.
Wheat Bread Krs.1.80 per
shah man. Environ, reported unsafe.
* * *
May 16, 1915
I.E.T.D. reports 16th May
Husseyn's men have had some fighting at Nasharj with Ali Mozbashi. A few
casualties on both sides. All Mozbashi escaped. Nayeb's men looted the
surrounding villages.
band of about 50 men looted two carvans of merchandise and one of pilgrims near
Kohroud during the week.
* * *
21 May, 1915.
Doctor Schaffer C.M.S. just arrived from Kashan
reports the Tehran post robbed about 6 p.m. 20th
May at Carava Srai Sangi between Imamzadeh and Targh by numerous bandits
stating themselves to be followers of Chiragh All Khan Bakhtiari see my tel.
No.35 who shortly afterwards near the same spot attacked Paquet and his party,
including Ali Riza Khan, son of Saradar Muhtashim both of whom escaped unhurt.
Declared object was to demonstrate the futility
of the Gendarmerie.
Sehaffter who had been called in professionally by Nayeb Husseyn was treated with all honors by the bandits.
* * *
May 23, 1915.
Kashan: I.E.T.D.
under date 23rd May telegraphs:
Ibrahim, chief adviser of Nayeb Husseyn, died during week. By his death lost a
great and valuable assistant for which they are much upset and grieved. Nayeb's
men are quite disorderly and keep plundering and robbing people everywhere that
they go. Nayebs are making fortifications and position on the top surrounding hills.
* * *
May 30, 1915
(Kashan, I.E.T.D. reports 30th May as follows:
consul with his staff from Isfahan passed here during week. He was unable to
see Nayeb but promised to do so on his return journey. All Mujaheds ( Clergies)
here received letter from a Mulla ( shujael Vaezzin) in Tehran saying it is time to join Turks and
make holy war and placards to that
effect have been posted to town gates and in the Bazaars ".
* * *
JUly 6, 1915.
3 or 4 German
pass 5th June for Isfahan. Mohammad khan Savehi with 40 Sawars joins Nayebs
(Kashan. I.E.T.D. 6th June reports as follows:
German consul passed here during the week for
Isfahan. He paid a visit to Mashallah khan and gave him some presents and they
had private conversation with the promise to sent German flag from Tehran.
June 6, 1915.
or four Germans passed there yesterday for Isfahan said in place of DR. Fugin.
Mahmmad khan Savehi (Shah-Savan) with 40 Sowars
have joined Naibs. Fifteen of Naib's men have ran away from Kashan towards
Natanz. Naibs have sent some men to catch them up.
* * *
German consul from Isfahan has sent a special
man to Mashallah khan here with request to supply him with 30 Kashi Sawars for Isfahan consulate).
* * *
20, 1915
No.215. the enemy.
20th June a party as detailed below arrived from Tehran via Kashan:
Two German officers
12 German and Austrian soldiers.
43 Turks and Caucasians.
16 of Naib Hussein's men.
2 officers of him.
man of the above armed with a rifle and revolver (on entering the town they
concealed the latter)
8 mules leaden with machine guns and etc.
22 mules with rifles and ammunition.
28 mules with baggage.
Most of
the horse and accoutrements of the above party were furnished by Nayrb Husseyn.
German "wireless" is reported to have begun working again at the
beginning of the week but it is difficult to verify the truth of this report as
the approach to the station continues to be jealously guarded by armed men.
* * *
Decode, Isfahan
Dated and recorded June 20, 1915
telegram of June 17, No. 126.
mentioned in my reports from Kashan of June 17th arrived today as
2 German officers, 12 German and Austrian
soldiers, of whom 2 were officers in disguise. 43 "Turks" and
Caucasians. 16 s
sawars and 2 officers in charge from Nayeb Husseyn.
The above are mounted and are armed with one rifle and revolver per man.
8 transport
mules with maxim machine guns, etc. 22 aims
and ammunition, 29 heavy baggage.
12 Sawars serving German consul left for Kerman
on the 19th of June.
Addressed Tehran, reported Bushehr.
* * *
the night of 29th/ 30th June another party arrived composed as follows:
One German (Becker?)
German or
Austrian in Caucasian uniform,
Burujerdi Sowars, 4 Isfahani Sawars.
All the above except ,1 armed with rifles and the 3 Germans with pistols in
addition.(This party arrived without its baggage and is reported to have
dropped four Farsakhs outside the town whence it was fetched in during the
night by mules from the German consulate. 55 loads in all of which a large
quantity benzene or (petrol).
June, 27, 1915
(Kashan. On 27th June reports as follows:
Germans and Austrians with 17 Persians Sawars arrived here 25th and left 26th
for Isfahan. Two German officers also passed here for Isfahan on 25th by post
July 4, 1915
The enemy:
has been considerable activity in the
German camp. Between sunrise and noon on 29th June a party composed as follows arrived from Kashan with:
4 Germans (or Austrians).
18 Persian Sawars. 33mules loaded as follows: 17
with rifles and ammunition. 10 with big boxes (including machine guns?).
6 baggage.
During the night of 29th/30th June another party
arrived compassed.
* * *
I.E-T.D.reports 4th July.
236 -
carvans from Isfahan were robbed during the week near Kashan evidently by Nayeb
Husseyn's men and one muleteer killed in the act and goods were brought to
Mashallah khan
having sticked two men belonging to Amir khan(his brother) for some misconduct a fight ensued between
the two brothers on 21th instant lasting
some hours but Nayeb Husseyn eventually stopped them. Mashallah khan had
one man killed and one wounded badly and Amir Khan had two men wounded
* * *
236 - July, 1915
Nayebs have ordered Kashan and Natanz taxes to
be collected and paid to them and the rate of Krs.6 per Tuman. Total amounts
would come to about 60, OOO Tumans.
khan has confiscated Saham ul Saltaneh's lands and properties in Kashan. Taking
revenge for latter's son-in-law's (Chiragh Ali khan, Sardar- i Soulat) act, who
had looted Naib's Sowars in Ardistan some time ago.
Husseyn has called his 30 Sowars who had gone to Isfahan
for the German consul and they have arrived
Kashan on 1st instant).
237. Tehran road.
7th July. In-coming post from Tehran
reported all parcels (value about 1000 Tomans) robbed between Tarq and
Immamzadeh (Kashan territory) by and of 40 Sawars of Chiraq All khan towards
sunset on 4th July.
* * *
July11, 1915
Ardistan. 9th /10th July.
10th July at Ghaleh Goosheh near Khalidabad 30 mounted robbers attacked caravan
of some 350 camels moving from Kashan towards Yazd. 34 Mans of opium seized, 33
bales Yazd goods opened, all silk and shawls taken. Nayeb Husseyn's Sawars in pursuit.
Caravan halted at Khalidabad.
(Qum. seven Germans and Austrians and about 13
Persian Sawars arrived from Tehran on 9th and left on 10th for Isfahan via
Kashan.They are bound for Shiraz. They possess some loads which are in shape of
wooden boxes.
party of about 25 policemen travelling by Carries arrived and left about the same
time as the above party but it is said that they have no connection with them.
They are transferred from Tehran to Isfahan Nazemieh .
The chief of Qum gendarmes with 20 gendarmes went to
Kashan to see Nayebs and to get back 20 gendarmes who had run away and joined
the Nayebs and to make some other peaceful terms with each other.
(Kashan. Officer in charge of Qum gendarmerie,
with 20 men, arrived
here on 4th and remained till 9th instant. He had interview with Mashallah
khan. They had good reception and agreed between themselves to be friendly in
future with each other.
July 13, 1915
255. Ardistan.
15th July I.E.T.D. reports:
Armenian colporteurs of Bible Society coming from Anarak were robbed of
everything except books, opposite Telebad near Ardistan by five armed footmen.
caravan which left Ardistan last night towards Kashan was attack by some
mounted robbers two Farsakhs out of Ardistan. They had opened few bales before
Governor's Sawars came up and started firing when robbers went away carrying
only one bale. Deputy Governor states that these robberies are committed by
Sardar- i Sowlat's Sowars.
(Qum. One German and Austrians travelling by post carriage passed here on the
night of 16th for Isfahan.
* * *
(Kashan. By strict orders of Nayeb
landlords are repairing and whitening all the shops and bazars, repairing the
old ones with new good ones & etc, and Nayebs themselves are doing repairs to water reservoirs and Masjids of the
January 14th 1917
Kashan. The people have sent a petition by telegraph to H.R.H Zill Ul -Soltan
praying that Mashallah Khan may be appointed governors, as his present pay is
not sufficient for the maintenance of his Sowars.
* * *
Report from Kashan:
Dated 19th July 1915 recorded.
A German and ten
Austrians passed yesterday for Isfahan in two carriages.
Report from Kashan
Dated 14th July 1915
One German and seven
Austrian soldiers arrived on 12th and left last night for Isfahan. They were
well armed and on horseback, They have a few loads, two of them seem to be
ammunition. Mashallah Khan invited them to lunch yesterday.
F.O. 248/ 1108.
Consular reports from
* * *
Ardistan. See parp 2. Mashallah Khan has plundered
and destroyed Mazdabad, Amirabad, Zavareh
and Muqar, and is strengthening the fort at Karshahi. It is to be feared that Chiragh Ali and Reza
will escape punishment for their crimes. The government of Yazd apparently took
no steps against them and they are quiet safe in Naien. They have now open
negotiations with the force in Ardistan and Prince Sarem Ul-Dowleh says that he
fears it will be necessary to pardon them. This is unfortunate as there are
heavy claims against them.
* * *
Dated 6th
Recd 7th January 1919
Rajab Ali has occupied N
Natanz and plundered people and treasure there. Mashallah Khan has received orders to proceed against him but appears to about attitude
of Persian Government towards him.
Mashallah Khan is now deserving of our support
and I
have assured him that he may safely obey orders which he has received and asked him to do his best to crush this brigand. A little encouragement and expression of approval from the Persian Government would not be amiss.
Your tel. No. 6
P.M. Inform me that Sardar Soulat is instructed to attack Rajab
Ali at Natanz. They desire Mashallah Khan to lie in wait for Him at Kashan in case
he should pass that way. If he
went to Natanz they
fear he would
attack the opportunity of plundering soulat’s property.
* * *
H.B.M's consul General.
P.O. 248/
January 21st 1917
11. Province:
Ardistan. Chiragh All and Reza juzani have gone
from Natanz. Chiragh Ali has written to say that he cannot maintain his Sawars
in one village for any length of time and must move from place to place. He is
still in hopes of getting some employment which will enable him to support his
Sawars, and letters of indemnity from the Russian consul and myself. I believe
that Russian consul has sent him such a letter, but I have some claims against
Mashallah Khan's methods in Chiragh Ali's seem
to have been
drastic and several women from Mazdaba and
Amirabad have telegraphed to H.R.H.
Zill Ul- Soltan, and the Minister of interior complaining for his crulty and Of
the killing Of Seven Villagers.
Mashallah Khan has returned here, and his men are keeping and quiet and behaving
well. The merchant and Mullas appear to be
still anxious that he should be appointed governor.
* * *
25 February
There is trouble here
owing to the increase of the Taxes and also owing
to scarcity of grain and a rise in the price of bread. No grain is expected
from Iraq. Mashallah Khan has warned merchants and holders of stocks of
wheat, unless they sell their stocks at moderate rates, He will confiscate them
and distribute them to the poor.
15 April 1917
Qum and
All the Persian Cossacks on the road from Tehran to kashan
have been recalled to Tehran.
Mashallah Khan has asked
the Persian government to appoint him in charge of the road from Qum to Naein
and government has agreed on condition that he sends his two sons as hostage to Tehran. Mashallah Khan has sent his
sons to Tehran and is preparing to place guards on the roads.
The chief of police in kashan has been dismissed and Nusrat-
al - Mamalek has been appointed in his place.
27 May
Cheragh Ali with about 50 sawars has returned to Jogand. He
has sent me a message to say that he has received a Pardon from the Persian
government and the British and Russian Legation, which probably a false hood,
and that having traveled to the neighborhood of Baghdad and had an opportunity
of observing the consideration with which the British were treating the Arabs,
he has changed his views and is now well disposed towards the British and
Russian. Which is his way of announcing that it is not to his interest to
profess attachment to a lost cause. He added that he does not intend to molest
anybody except Mashallah Khan on whom he propose to avenge himself.
This is equivalent to an announcement that he is still in
rebellion against the Persian Government. He is said to have disarmed and
dismissed five Kashi Sawars who had been posted as road guards at Jogand and to
have gone to Sufla to arrest Khalil Khan Turzani who was formerly one of his
sawars but detested, and made his submission to the Governor General of
3rd June, 1917.
The Governor General has
given assurance to Reza Juzani.
30 men of the town police have been dismissed and have been
replaced by 30 men of Mashallah Khan.
21 October 1917
Six persons died of
starvation during the week. Mashallah Khan ordered to distribute to the value
of 100 tomans daily bread free of charge to the needy people of Kashan.
4 November 1917.
No. 273.
The environs are in the hands of the two rubbers, Jafar quli
and reza Juzani. Who are now openly recognized as public servants?
Prince Itizad -us- Saltaneh, the
governor general, now receives 200 tomans a day from the former and 100 tomans
from the latter which these robbers are able to pay without difficulty from the
blackmail which they levy on carevans.
Was it not for this
addition to his income from all sides, Governor general would probably resign.
18th November, 1917.
No. 288.
Reports of distress come in from all cities. A committee was
formed at Qum to relieve the distress by means of the establishment of cheap
bakeries. The cost of which was to have been partly met by subscription. But
the committee soon discontinued its activity as there was a prospect of the
town's being invaded by the poor of the district.
In kashan Mashallah Khan has been
obliged to close two of the seven of his bakeries. Due to scarcity of wheat,
and twenty five have died of starvation.
The Universal complaint
is that even those who have the money to pay for bread cannot obtain it.
December, 1917
No. 326.
Reports of scarcity and distress still comes in from the
districts. Qom reports that several bakeries here been closed out and thirty
people have died from starvation.
Ardastan reports that the villagers are starving. Slight snow
fell at Qum on December 25 and Ardestan on 29, and heavy rain at kashan on 26
and 28.
I omitted to report last week that Mashallah Khan's men seeing
that they could affect nothing against Mazdabad, withdrew and retired. Cheragh Ali is now said to be collecting
sawars with a view to taking vengence on Mashallah Khan. But how he proposes
how to do this is not clear. He is not likely to acquire strength sufficient to
enable him to attack Mashallah Khan in kashan and will probably content himself
with attacking some isolated posts. I have
requested him to refrain in future from talking up his quarters in our telegraph office.
Haig: Isfahan Date
April 23 1918
Khan of Kashan has sent to me a confidential agent protesting his readiness to serve
us in any way. In return he is very anxious for some sort of assurance of
friendship from the British Legation.
As you know he has a lurid past and was originally a German partisan
but, it is long since he saw the error of his ways and he has behaved well and
kept the road reasonably safe for some time past.
He is so well off now that I think
that he may be trusted not to take to road again and I believe it would be
worthwhile to conciliate him by a friendly message. He is an energetic man and might be useful,
He is anti Bakhtiari. He asserted that Persian Government does not pay him
enough for the number of the road guards which he maintains, but I do not
consider that he can expect us to help him in this direction
Tel No:: 95
April 24, 1918 GLT no 64 .
It would be well worth while to get hold
of Mashallah - Khan but it might be embarrassing if at a later date S.P.R. extended their sphere up to and
beyond Ispahan. Can you negotiate and see exactly what he wants?
I spoke to him and as his
request wrote a letter giving him conformation
E.G.G.April 4
* * *
From: Haig,
No. 104. May 13 1918
Your Telegram No 95.
I suggested to Mashallah Khan's agent possibility of S. P.R.
coming to Isfahan and asked him how Mashalleh Khan would view such a move. He said he was quite prepared to cooperate
with S.P.R. and to help them in every way and all that he wanted was our friendship. I gather that he is anxious. for this in view
of a possible Bakhtiari coalition against him at some future date and I think
in view of what he has said about S. P. R. some assurance might be given him. It could always be revoked if he went
against S. P. R.
We can certainly give him the assurance of our friendship
provided he understands that any relations we form with him cannot be allowed
to affect our long-standing friendship with the Bakhtiaris
Mr Maclean EGG C.M.M
What are his money requirements?
Discussed with Minister who
approved of a friendly reply without giving him any expectation of help in
money matters. Henry Tel No. 120 May 18 C.M.M.
* * *
Recd 7th January 1919
Rajab Ali
has occupied Natanz and plundered people and treasure there. Masallah Khan has received orders to proceed against
him but appears to about attitude of Persian Government towards him.
is now deserving of our support and I have assured him that he may safely obey orders which
he has received and asked him to do his best to crush
this brigand. A little
encouragement and expression of approval from
the Persian Government would not be amiss.
Your tel. No . 6
P.M. Inform me that Sardar Soulat is instructed to attack Rajab
Ali at Natanz. They desire Mashallah Khan to lie in wait for him at Kashan in case
he should pass that way. If he
went to Natanz they fear he would
attack the opportunity of plundering Soulat's property.
* * *
Decypher No 19,
Dated, 13 th,
Reed, 14th, January 1919
Haig, Isfahan. Your tel
As Rajab All has now gone to Naraq which is out of
Sirdar Soulat’s beat, the latter will probably not attack him now. The quarrel
between Mashallah Khan and Sirdar Soulat greatly impairs the efficiency of
both. I have done my best to make peace between them but without success. It would be helpful if Persian Government,
would send messages to both enjoining them to make peace with one another and
warning both that the first to commit an attack on the other will be considered
a rebel.
Shall we try telg with this suggestion?
* * *
Decipher No. 22
16 Jan.1919.
Recd. 17
Haig, Isfahan
am informed that the Persian Government, have diminished Mashallah Khan's
allowance for sawars by 500 tomans a month with a view to increasing that of
the Governor of Isfahan by this amount.
is of course important that the allowance of the latter should be sufficient,
but unless the Persian Government, have other arrangements in view, we must
rely on Maahallah Khan for keeping order on the Tehran road, for help against
the brigands when Sirdar Jang attacks then and or assistance in the Kashan
election, and it would be better to
avoid, if possible, alienating him by
reducing his allowance.
* * *
Your tel, No. 6
P.M. inform me that Sardar Soulat is instructed to attack Rajab
Ali at Natanz. They desire Mashallah Khan to lie in wait for him at
Kashan in case
he should pass that way. If
he went to Natanz they fear he would attack the opportunity of plundering Soulat's property.
* * *
March 9, 1919
the refugees from Naraq, having received 4, 00 tomans from the finance
agent at Qum and assurance from H.M's minister, left that Telegraph office at
Qum on March 7, to return to Naraq.
Khan of Kashan has 300 saward in Natanz, ready to march against Jafar Quli, but
the Governor says he does not require them at present. I have however, asked
Mashallah Khan to do his best to capture or kill Jafar Quli, should he enter the
Kashan district.
was reported during the week that Jafar Quli had gone from Quhrud, through
Murchehkhurt, to Tirun, but this was a mistake He sent some of his Sawars in
that direction to get cartriges, but he himself is between Nayestanak and Mushkin. The Bakhtiari Sawars, who had been pursuing
him, returned to Isfahan during the week, but have again been sent out.
* * *
Short news collected by the
British Counsel in Isfahan
No. 60.
Dated, 12th
Recd, 13th, March, 1919
My telegram:·No.62.
Khah has received order from Tehran to join Gendarmerie with all his men. he is
not prepared to obey this order as he has no confidence in Persian Government.
wishes to disperse with sawars and retire from road but says that he cannot
accept assurance of Persian Government as a cabinet hostile, Our assurances as
well. He has about 400 sowars and 200 Tufangchis. The horses of sowars and
ammunition all are his private property.
men cannot be disbanded or they will become brigands. They should be taken into
the service of Persian Government but Mashalla Khan will expect to be paid for
their horses and arms.
* * *
March 16, 1919
62. The decision have begun
in Kashan. The Persian Government have telegraphed to the governor of Kashan
telling him to order Mashallah Khan to go to Tehran and to disband his sawars.
The pursuit of Jafar Quli has been continued throughout the week. From Nayestanak he went to Ardistan, but
there attacked by Zaygham-ul Saltaneh and Ibrahim Khalil Khan, the brother and
Brother-in-law of Sardar- i- Soulat.
They inflicted some loses to the gang, drove it off, and pursuit it, but were forced
to abandon the pursuit when their ammunition gave out.
The Bakhtiari Sawars
sent from Isfahan arrived at Ardistan in pursuit of Jafar Quli; and Ali Mohamad
Khan, son of Sardar-i Zafar, also arrived there from Naien, and continued the
pursuit, but Jafar Quli had too long a start and fled westward passing near
Gaz, 12 miles north of Isfahan.
Information received
that he was making for Mirabad, on the Khonsar road, but Reza Juzjani has
telegraphed from Turin to the merchants in town to say that Jafar Quli joined
him with 50 Sawars, all in a wretched condition.
I have not yet ascertained what step the Government propose to
take next.
Reza Juzani has been
fortifying himself at Turin.
* * *
March 23, 1019
67. I omitted
to mention in last week's news that an important member of Jafar Quli's gang
had been killed. This man, Mehdi Khan, was supposed to be the man who wounded
my predecessor Mr. Graham, and is known to have committed several murders. He
was sent to India as a prisoner of war, but was released and sent back to
Persia. On his way to Isfahan, where I was to have supplied him with funds to
enable him to continue his journey, he joined Jafar Quli’s gang. The week
before last he went to Ushturjun, intending to take from the Kadkhoda of that village, a very fine
mare which he had. The Kadkhoda shut the gate of the village fort on him and
when he demanded admittance shot him. Besides his arms, a bomb was found on
him. His body was brought to Isfahan and carried through Bazars. The governor
allowed the Kadkhoda to keep the horse and arms of the deceased.
[ The Consul admits that although Mehdi
Khan had wounded mr. Haig and killed
several persons. he had to supply him with money and supplies( gums and bombs
to join Jaffar Quli and kill him} This proves the British used the bandits to
get rid of each other!?]
March 30, 1919
77. Enemy agents:
Wassmuss and Oertel with an Indian and three others passing as
Qashqais, passed northward via Quhrud to Kashan during the week, avoiding
Isfahan. The party was riding, wassmuss
passed as Mr. Witt, an English carpet merchant from Bushehr, and Oertel,
apparently as a Russian.
They sold three rifles to Mashallah Khan of Kashan. At Kashan
or between that place and Qum, they seem to have persuaded two Russian
officers, captain Lesli and Lieutenant Boyarski, to let them have their
For the Russian officers who left Isfahan a week ago were seen
near Pasangan riding, and was muss and Oertel were seen a stage behind them. At
Sensen, in a carriage. The Germans were fortunately arrested at Qum by the
* * *
Decipher 1.April,
No. 87. Haig Ispahan
Soper Shiraz telegraphs that they are willing to enlist
any of Mashallah’s men who are medically fit and adequately guaranteed.
I am not sure what Persian
Government propose to do
about Mashallah Khan or how
far negotiations have progressed but if
his force is to be broken
up this seems to be
a good way of disposing of
it. Is there any objection to my
broaching subject to Mashallah Khan?
Shall I ask Etela-
ed-Dowleh? EGG.
Please do DL.
Spoke to him and at his request
I wrote a letter giving him purport of
above. EGG April 4
Etela - ed - Dowleh told me
today that Vossuq-Ed- Dowleh's view is that, it would be a good plan to enlist these
people in the S.P.R. At the same time he
thinks that it should be borne in mind that if Mashallah Khan
wished at any time
to make further trouble for the P.G. this arrangement would give him a
"point d'appui" in
Fars and His Highness
hopes that Mashallah Khan would not
be permitted to take advantage
of it. Mashallah Khan appears
to be unwilling to come to Tehran
(1) because he mistrusts the P.G. (2) because he
is afraid his property at Kashan
will be raided in
his absences. As to
(1)the P.G. ask us to assure Mashallah Khan that they have no
intention of harming him but
it is desirable that he should
come to Tehran where
various matters can be
better settled by personal intercourse. As to (2) the P.G proposes to
send a detachment of Gendarmerie to Kashan
where his property will be safe under their protection.
The P .G. Further thinks that Mashallah khan ought to be absent himself for a year or two to let
matter lapse into oblivion. Then he can come back with a clean sheet. II/4
See also 'Pol Sit' 70 (in this box)
See reply to (70) dated 12
April BL.
* * *
April 6, 1919
is reported from Kashan that Mashallah Khan has gone to KaharShahi, His
stronghold, taking with him 50 sawars, provisions and some masons. His
intentions are not known.
* * *
April 13, I9I9
86. It is reported from
Ardistan that the Sawars of Sardar-i Soulat having received no pay since they
returned from Qum, have dispersed.
The election at Kashan have been postponed, under orders from
Tehran, for one month. Mashallah Khan whose departure from the town was due to
apprehension excited by a summon to Tehran, has now returned to Kashan.
* * *
88. Governor General and
Persian officials:
I have had considerable troubles lately over some camels and
bales of goods stolen by Jafar Quli from a caravan of Messrs Sofer & Co. At
first it was reported that the Bakhtiari Sowars had recovered the camels and
loads and that they were with them, and then that Mashallah Khan's men had
recovered them when Jafar Quli was fleeing from Ardistan towards Turin, and I
have been writing and sending continually to Mashallah Khan, urging him to
compel his Sowars to return the goods and camels. I am now credibly informed that the Bakhtiaris Sowars recovered the camels and their loads,
during Jafar Quli's flight towards the Yazd province and Sardar-i-Jang, not
knowing that the caravan had belonged to merchants under British protection,
had, at the instance of Prince Humayun Mirza
(Amir Arfa) given the camels to the Prince as
compensation for a robbery committed on some of his men by Jafar Quli.
Sadid-Ul- Molk, as Deputy Governor, appropriated the loads and
I am trying to recover both the loads and the camels. I have advised Messrs
Sofer & Co, to send the owner of the camels to identify them. Sadid-Ul -
Molk has just been dismissed, but do not know whether it is in connection with
this case.
[The British were trying to
blame any wrong doing in the central part of the country on Naybies!? One
notices that any Persian merchants or individual who were under British
protection! Had to be protected in every possible manner! ]
* * *
April 20, 1919
Governor has now issued
orders that the election at Kashan to be proceeded with, under the supervision
of Massallah Khan.
Mashallah Khan has made up his mind to go to Tehran.
... A severe sandstorm, lasting practically throughout the
week, is reported from Kashan. Crops have been damaged, many trees up-rooted,
and walls and buildings destroyed. A severe sandstorm on April 15, is reported
from Ardistan. Fruit trees have suffered and much damage was done to the crops.
The damage done is estimated at about 10,000 Tomans.
* * *
April 1919.
No. 87. Haig Ispahan.
Soper Shiraz telegraphs that they are willing to enlist any of
Mashallah's men who are medically fit and adequately guaranteed. I
am not sure what Persian Government propose to do about Mashallah Khan or how
far negotiations have progressed but if his force is to be broken up this seems
to be a good way of disposing of it. Is
there any objection to my broaching subject to Mashallah Khan?
Shall I ask Etela ed Dowleh? E.G.S.2/4
Please do.
B.L 2/4
I spoke to him and as his request wrote a letter
giving him conformation
E.G.G.April 4
* * *
May 4, 1919
There has recently been some trouble in Kashan. Mashallah Khan
suspected one Haji Kazem Khan, a former Mujahed, of being a terrorist told off
to kill him and demanded that proceedings should be taken against him.
Mashallah Khan was much disturbed and announced that he would not go to Tehran.
Haji Kazem Khan was sent off to Tehran and Mashallah Khan became more
reasonable. The latest information is
that he has sent Mohaghegh-Ul- Dowleh Badi to Tehran and that he is delaying
his own departure until he has received reports from him.
* * *
Rajab All who was believed to have disappeared, is again
active with a small gang of fourteen followers and has attacked some villagers
of Soh who were going to Kashan for the harvest, killing one and wounding two.
* * *
Jafar Ghuli and Riza Juzjani are still in Qardijan, "besieged" by
the Bakhtiari. The robbers are fortunately beginning to quarrel among
themselves. One subordinate leader has deserted, with 33 followers, and has
come into Isfahan, bringing important information. Two others who were on the
point of deserting are kept by Riza under his own eye, and their followers have
been separated and distributed among the rest of the force. There has been some
fighting between different parties among the robbers and Sadar-i-Jang is
hopeful of further dissentions. His
information is that Riza and Jafar Quli intended to escape from Qardijan and
make their way to a stronger position,
but gave up the idea owing to the probability of half their followers, of whom
they know 400, leaving them if they got opportunity
* * *
l09. Roads:
All with 30 or 35 men robbed two post wagons near Tarq on May 9. Only goods
belonging to British subjects or protected persons were taken. The robbers
evidently had full information of the contents of the wagons and the time at
which they were to be expected to arrive, for they abused the driver for being
late and rewarded the post office official travelling on the wagons with a
quantity of opium. It is certain that Mashallah Khan's road guards were in
league with the robbers, and there is
some reason to believe that Mashallah himself is implicated.
* * *
May 18, 1919
Mashallah Khan's men have been pursuing Rajab
All's gang and are said to have killed many of them and to have recovered all
the stolen property. But the news is not yet confirmed.
* * *
June 1, 1919
Five Kashi robbers
lifted a flock of 250 sheep and goats on May 28 at Sinapokhari, seven Farsakhs
south of Ardistan. The robbers were sent to Kashan and 150 of the animals were
returned to their owners.
July 6, 1919
Mashallah Khan is hesitating
whether to start for Tehran or not. I
hearted that he has received a reassuring telegraph from his brother, but that
Mohaqeq-Ul-Dowleh, who is in Tehran, has telegraphed advising him not to start
until he receives a letter from him. The departure of the gendarmes from Tehran
for Isfahan has much alarmed him. I
believe that he will not obey the summons to Tehran. that he will follow the
last course, as he has made all preparations for flight.
No 132. Haig Ispahan. 22nd
June 1919.
If the Persian Government would like to get rid of Mashallah Khan now I think is their opportunity. There are 700 S.P.R. here with 4
guns and 4 machine guns quite keen on the job of this sort and it would be an excellent thing if the Government could be
persuaded to issue orders. I am sure Colonel Orton would
agree. The gendarmerie of Qum could cut Mashallah off from North and he has not
more than 300 men at present.
Mashallah Khan has rendered some services in the
past in keeping the road but I fancy he is a considerable thorn in the flesh of
the PG and that the latter would he quite willing to "bring him to book.
Shall I ask Etela ed Dowleh? EGG 23/6
He asked me for a safe conduct about two months ago which I
gave him with Vossughs' consent (to come to Teheran). Last time I saw Vossugh
it was agreed that I should withdraw it and say it would be considered lapsed
if he did not turn up in ten days. Nawab
Saheh, Please draft
saying as you have not seen fit to avail yourself of it, it is now withdrawn.
ML. (Tel to Isfahan No. 107
June 24)
* * *
June 22,
for Mashallah Khan in Kashan, Rajab Ali, whose where about is unknown,
the robbers of Faragha, who have been quiet lately, and a wandering band or
two, the province is now clear of robbers.
Shuja Homayun was killed in the course of the pursuit of the three
leaders, and his body was brought into Isfahan and hanged for the several hours
on the gallows in the Meydan-i- Shah. Jafar Quli who is wounded, in the head
and the arm, was brought into the town on June 20. The street were lined with
enormous crowds. Riza will probably be brought into on June 23.
Sardar-i Jang has recovered
51.000 Tomans of the stolen money of the Imperial Bank of Persia and hopes to
recover the remaining 30.000 on June 23.
* * *
decypher Dated.
135. Reed. 26th, June 1919.
From Haig, Isfahan. My telegraph No 132.
has been suggested that Fraser with Fars column should march to south dealing
with robbers of Faragheh on Isfahan-Fars border and then return to Isfahan for
operation against Mashallah Khan provided they are approved, this appear to me
to be great waste of time and energy. Mashallah is infinitely more important
than Faregheh robbers and success of operations against him depends largely on
secrecy and dispatch. Faragheh robbers could very well be dealt with by Fraser
on his return to Fars after finishing with Mashallah Khan.
June 29
, 1919
Mashallah Khan has sent his son and brother to Tehran and is
said to be leaving himself for Tehran in a few days time. Most of the Gendarmes
have left Qum for Sultanabad, which is in future to be the headquarters of the
detachment formerly station at Qum.
Mashallah Khan has posted a notice on the gates of Kashan and
threatening to punish severely anybody found engaged in Bolshevik propaganda.
On the governor's asking him whether he had reason to suspect the presence of
any Bolshevik agents in the town, he replied that he had only heard rumors that
they were likely to visit the town.
* * *
July 6, 1919
153. Mashallah Khan is hesitating whether to start for Tehran or
not. I heard that he has received a
reassuring telegraphic for his brother, but that Mohaqqeq-Ul Dowleh, who is in
Tehran, has telegraphed advising him not to start until he receives a letter
from him. The departure of the gendarmes from Tehran for Isfahan has much
alarmed him. I believe that he will not
obey the summons to Tehran.
* * *
Decipher No. 1013S
From Foreign, Simla
D. 10th.
July 1919.
telegram of the 4th. July Norn 84.
of India approve of- Frazer’s Column standing
by for action against Mashallah Khan at Kashan if needed Addressed Teheran
repeated Isfahan Shiraz and Orton and G0.O.O. BushIre
* * *
July 13, 1919
The gendarmes have arrived at Qum and are standing fast there
for the present. They number 650 and have 7 guns. Ali Khan-i Mashgooni, with 12
Sowars, has deserted Mashallah Khan and joined the gendarmes in Qum. Mashallah
is much alarmed and cannot make up his mind whether to obey the summon to
Tehran, oppose the gendarmes, or flee, but it is probable that he will follow
the last course, as he has made all preparations for flight.
The gendarmes from Kashan have collected sixty rifles from
Mehabad and have also disarmed three of the Mamurs of the Bakhtiari Deputy
governor of Ardistan, who were oppressing the people
* * *
Short news
collected by the British Counsel in Esfahan
[This Document is
the Property of His Britannic Majesty's Government.]
Persia and Central
asia. [September 10.]
Desyper. July
61- Instructions are being
sent to Ali Muhamad Khan son of Sardar-i-Zafar, who has returned to Naein and
to Zeygham-ul Saltaneh, brother of Sardar-i-Soulat, who is in Ardistan, to act vigorously
against him.
Sardar-isoulat's Sowars,
numbering about 120, returned to Ardistan from Qum on March 7.
Telegram P., No. 1013-S., dated the lOth July 1919.
From—The Foreign secretary to the Government of
India in the Foreign and Political Department, Simla,
To—His Britanic. Majesty's Charge d'Affairees
and Special Commissioner Tehran
(repeated Consul, Shiraz, Orton, Isfahan and
General Officer Commanding, Bushire)
of India approve of Fraser's column standing by for action against Mashallah
Khan at Kashan if needed. Addressed Teheran repeated Isfahan Shiraz and Orton
and G/.O.C. Bushire
This refers to your telegram, 84 of 4th
Telegram P., No. 1015-S., dated the 11th July 1919.
From—The Foreign Secretary to the Government of
India in the Foreign and Political Department, Simla, To—the Deputy Political
Resident in the Persian Gulf, Shiraz
No objection.
This refers to your C.-3, 9th July.
Telegram P., No.465, dated the 10th [received 11th] July 1919.
From- His Britannic Majesty's Charge d’Affaircs and Special Commission of,
To- The Foreign Secretary to the Government of
India in the Foreign and Political Department, Simla.
No.140/I/G.15July1919 From:OrtonShiraz. Intervention
of Fazlolah Khan's Gendamerie has eliminated factor of surprise and given
Mashallah Khan Time to remove valuables and make arrangements for flight into desert. There is reason to
fear Fazlolah Khan's gendarmerie may loot Kashan and if S.P.R. troops were
there they would not escape odium even if British officers succeeded in
restraining S.P.R. If S.P.R. column operates towards Kashan I would like to
stipulate S.P.R. would not pursue Mashallah into desert unless Fraser saw
reasonable chance of quick success namely of bringing Mashallah to action not
further than one (day) march from Kashan. Please telegraph if Mashallah
succeeded in escaping? I would prefer that Fazlolah Khan's gendarmerie should
deal with Kashan affairs and S.P.R. troops discontinue operations. Addressed to Chief General Staff. Repeated Tehran and Fraser .Isfahan in
reply to his No.C 100 of 13th. (The British are sure, if the Gendarme's men
enter the city of Kashan they may loot the city, therefore the S.P.R. troops
are reluctant to join the Gendarmes against Naibies).
* * *
July 1919, No.
From Haig Ispahan.
telegram 119.
is likely to happen if officer commanding gendarmerie issues an ultimatum
before all roads are blocked is this if Mashallah does not comply he will flee
from (Persian Government) Kashan to one of his strongholds Siah Kuh. Or Jandak both supplied with water
and situated in middle of waterless desert most difficult to traverse. S.P.R.
Will then be expected to go and dig him out. Colonel Fraser is of opinion that
this operation offered! so few chances of success that he is not prepared to
undertake it for he believes S.P.R.
cannot well afford at present stage of
their existence to fail in any important undertaking. S.P.R. to co-operate with
effect would have to leave here in two columns one marching by Natanz and
Khaliabad and the other by Soh and Quhrud. The former column in order to arrive
at Kashan fresh would be at least a week on road while gendarmes at Qum are
only four days fairly easy march from Kashan.
It would be better therefore that gendarmes
should stand fast at Qum until preparations are complete here and until they
receive detailed instruction which cannot be issued until military authority is
should be ordered to follow 1909 F.8. Instructions with regard to point to
which they are to advance. Direction in which they are to be prepared to cut off
Mashallah and generally as to part they are to play.
says he cannot move until he receives Orton's orders. These are Fraser's views
in which I fully concur. There is time to stop the gendarmes at Qom Military
I could not get either P.M or who had gone to
Tochal, or Etila -Ed-Dowleh who had gone to town, but I showed this to colonel
Gleerup and he promised to wire Fazlullah to stand fast at Qom.
* * *
These Documents
are the property of his majesty's Government
July 1919
From Haig Isfahan.
Haig replied to minister as
With reference to your N0. 119 the following is likely to
happen if the officer commanding the Gendarmes issue un ultimatum, before all roads
are blocked.
If Mashallah does not
comply he will flee from Kashan to one of his strongholds Siah Kuh - or Jandak, both supplied with
water and situated in middle of waterless desert most difficult to
traverse. The south Persia Rifles will
then be expected to go and dig him out:
Fraser is of opinion that this operation
offers so few chances of success that he is not prepared to undertake, for he
believes S.P.R. cannot well afford at present stage of their existence to fall
in any important undertaking. For S.P.R. to co-operate with effect would have
to leave here in two columns one marching by Natanz and Khaliabad and the other
by Soh and Quhrud. The former column in order to arrive at Kashan fresh would
be at least a week on road while gendarmes at Qum are only four days fairly
easy march from Kashan.
It would be better therefore that gendarmes
should stand fast at Qum until preparations are complete here and until they
receive detailed instruction which cannot be issued until military authority is
complete. They should be ordered to
follow 1909 F.8. Instructions with regard to point to which they are to
advance. Direction in which they are to be prepared to cut off Mashallah and
generally as to part they are to play.
says he cannot move until he receives Orton's orders. These are Fraser's views
in which I fully concur. there is time to stop the gendarmes at Qom Military
I could not get either P.M or who had gone to Tochal, or Etila-Ed- Dowleh who had gone to town - but I showed
this to Colonel Gleerup and he promised to wire Fazlullah to stand fast at Qom.
should be ordered to follow 1908 F.S. instructions with regard to point to
points to which they are to advance, in direction in which they are to be
prepared to cut off Mashallah and generally as to part they are to play.
regards Mashallah Khan, I have explained the position to the Prime Minister.
The Gendarmerie have been halted
at Qom and instructed, in confidence, to get into communication with Fraser and
concert joint plans. Should Mashallah take to (tight, the Gendarmerie can
occupy Kashan and his property confiscated.
Eraser's mission might then be considered at an end.
regard to future dispositions now that with
our assistance Central Government has got a firm footing in Isfahan, the
Persian Government are anxious that a portion of the South Persia Rifles should
remain there for the present, at all events until the Bakhtiari Khans have had
their meeting, and the Bakhtiari policy for the near future has been
determined. Whether the force of two squadrons, two platoons, and two guns
proposed by Orton for this purpose will suffice, I find it difficult to say off hand and on this point I
Would like to hear the views of Fraser and Haig.
take measures to attack
Mashallah Khan. In this case the Prime Minister hoped that Eraser would advance from the other side and co-operate. Please comply or
comment. End.
Haig replied to Minister as
Begins. No. 147. With
reference to your No. 119. The following
is likely to happen if the Officer Commanding the Gendarmes issues an
ultimatum, before all roads are blocked. If Mashallah does not comply he will
flee from Kashan to one of His strongholds, Sivah or Jand, and bother the
supplies with water and situated in the advantageous waterless desert which is
most difficult to traverse. The South
Persia Rifles will then he expected to go and dig him out Fraser is not prepared to undertake this
operation as he considers that it offers so few chances of success, for he
believes that the South Persia Hides at the present stage of their existence
cannot well afford to fail in any important undertaking. For the South Persia
Rifles to co-operate with success, they would have to leave hero in two
columns, one marching by Natanz and Khalidabad and the other by Suh and Surhud
(Kahrud ) in order the former column should arrive at Kashan fresh it would be
at least a week on the road while the Gendarmes at Qum are only four days march
from Kashan. Therefore I think that it will be bettor that the Gendarme' at Qum
should stand fast until all preparations are complete here, and until they
received detailed instructions which could (? § not) he issued until the plan is complete.
With regard to the point to which
they are to advance, the direction in which they are to be prepared to cut off
Mashallah and generally as to the part they are to play, they should follow
Fraser's instruction' Fraser says that they cannot move until he receives
Orton's orders, these are Fraser's views I Fully concur in them. Ends. It appears to me that the Persian Government would like the South Persia
Rifles to play second fiddle to the Gendarmes. Unless I am allowed to decide
how it is to be, carried on, subject to advice and suggestions, and unless the
Gendarmes are ordered to act under my instructions, I am not willing to
undertake this operation. Please inform me if you agree with my views. This is
mostly news to me and the present procedure in arranging military operations
over my head makes my position difficult. I realize the special difficulties at
Tehran and have no thought of being obstructive I agree with Fraser, Mashallah
Khan may be induced to surrender by combined operations. As an alternative he
would retire into the desert where in summer operations are risky. Second
always would be stalemate and then the situation would perhaps be best met by
the Gendarmerie under FazlulIah Khan, occupying and holding Kashan. In this
event a part of the Kerman column, two squadrons, two guns, two platoons, could
billet temporarily under Lucas to (in?) Isfahan while the Shiraz column and the
remainder of the Kerman column could return to their headquarters. The Consul
at Kerman is pressing for the early return of some of Lucas' column.
In Pars trouble is brewing especially amongst the Qashkais tribes, disfavor
of Ali Khan is giving trouble, Qashkai intrigues are afoot, to the discredit of
Ehtesham and the Isfahan- Shiraz Road is becoming less safe. Hence I am averse to
committing South Persia Rifles at Isfahan
to any form of desert operations around Kashan which might become protracted.
Under this same number I am repeating my descriptive remarks to Tehran.
* * *
Received with Army Department endorsement No. 9101,
dated the 14th July 1919.) Telegram P., No. 8C1—12-G., dated the 10th (received
11th) July 1919.
From—Colonel Orton, Shiraz,
To: The Chief of the General Staff, Simla
(repeated Tehran),
has been arranged, after conference with General Officer Commanding, to locate
Headquarters and wing of 1st Infantry,
South Persia at Kazerun at which place there are better facilities for
accommodation and administration.
Arrangements are now in hand with regard to recruiting and training for
this wing. The trained South Persia
Rifles detachment now at Kazerun will proceed to Borazjan as escort to the new
Deputy Governor for his forthcoming
tour towards Ahram aud Khurelegj (Kharmuj?)
* * *
with Army Department memorandum No. 9571, dated the 15th July 1919.) Telegram
P., No. 840—122-G., dated the 12th (received 13th) July 1911). From—Colonel
Olton, Shiraz,
To—The Chief of the General Staff, Army
Headquarters, Simla.Telegram
is a wire from Fraser at Isfahan. Begins. Some
days ago Minister telegraphed Haig that a force of Gendarmes about 1,000 strong was sent to Isfahan from Tehran to garrison the place. At my
request Haig said that. These
Gendarmes should not reach Isfahan Until the South Persia Rifles had left.
Minister did not agree with our reasons why both forces should not be here together and said that the Gendarmes had
already moved but should be detained on the road if necessary. Haig at my request asked that the Gendarmes should
be detained at Qom where they could also usefully co-operate against Mashallah
On July 9th, the Minister wired Haig a paraphrased
extract: Begins. No. 119. The Prime Minister asked me to inform you that
Fazlollah Khan, the Officer Commanding the Gendarmes, detailed to go to Isfahan,
is being ordered to advance towards Kashan and when within a suitable distance to send Mashallah Khan an ultimatum calling upon him to proceed to Tehran at
once, in which case His life and property will be
spared, and, failing immediate compliance he is to take measures to attack
Mashallah Khan. In this case the Prime Minister hoped that Fraser would advance
from the other side and co-operate. Please comply or comment.
Telegram P- No. 7788, dated the 12th (received
13th) July 1919.
From—The Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
To—The Foreign Secretary to the Government of
India in the Foreign and Political Department, Simla (repeated to Tehran).
Bakhtiari situation. Briefly reasons are as follows:—
Hostile element
in Bakhtiari itself has been completely won over Termination of war.
Situation in Fars has been restored and brigands of Isfahan
wiped out.
a recent conference in Isfahan, Bakhtiari Khans composed of their differences
with each other and their general attitude towards us is eminently satisfactory.
as is probable, plans, which are now being made for future treatment of
Bakhtiari, mature, Khans will themselves raise and equip a permanent force of sawars
and will ask for services of British officers.
This is with reference to your telegram of June
* * *
Telegram P- No. 7788, dated the 12th (received
13th) July 1019.
From—The Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
To—The Foreign Secretary to the Government of
India in the Foreign and Political Department, Simla (repeated to Tehran).
Bakhtiari situation. Briefly reasons are as follows:—
element in Bakhtiari itself has been
completely won over Termination of war.
in Fars has been restored and brigands of Ispahan wiped out.
At a recent conference in Isfahan, Bakhtiari
Khans composed of their differences with each other and their general attitude
towards us is eminently satisfactory.
If, as is probable, plans, which are now being made for
future treatment of Bakhtiari, mature, Khans will themselves raise and equip a
permanent force of sowars and will ask for services of British officers.
This is with reference to your telegram of June
* * *
No. 151 D. 14th
R. 15th July 1919
From Haig Ispahan.
My telegram No. 147. Mashallah
seems to be seriously alarmed and evidently has good information of movements
of Gendarmerie. I do not think he will put up much of a fight in neighborhood
of Kashan. He is much more likely to flee to Siyah Kuh or Jandak whether he
could hardly be pursued at this time of year. In this case I think his property
in and around Kashan should be seized and a force of Gendarmes sufficient to
prevent his return left in Kashan.
Mil Att .
EGG 15/7
You might communicate purport to Gleerup - or I
will, we shall see him this afternoon.
* * *
Decipher, No153.
D-15 July 1919
From Haig Isfahan,
My immediately preceding telegram.
As it is almost certain that Mashallah
will flee from Kashan and S.P.R. judging from Orton's telegrams are not prepared
to undertake the protraction of operations which trill be necessary if he is to
be captured or killed it will be necessary to guard against his return into
Kashan and disturbing the road. For this purpose a detachment of gendarmes
should be left in Kashan. If this is done Mashallah's sawars will probably
desert him by degrees
{ The British are looking for different means to
dispurse Nayebies men as much as they can, so the S.P.R. may be able to defeat
* * *
(Received with Army Department memorandum No. P672, dated the 17th July 1919.)
Telegram P., No. 840—133-G., dated the 15th (received 19th) July 1919.
From—Colonel Orton, Shiraz, To—the Chief of the General Staff, Simla.
following is a telegram from Fraser at Ispahan, dated 13th July: -
Begins. That Mashallah Khan has made all preparations for flight is the latest
news from Kashan. It is unlikely that he will accept offer of safe conduct by
Fazlullah Khan, and will probably not wait to fight at Kashan, but will move
eastwards, probably towards Siyahkuh or Yanaak. He will, probably get into
country where it would not be advisable for this column to follow him, and I think the chances of now bringing operations to a
successful conclusion are small.
wire from Minister, Tehran, to Haig, states that Gendarmes have been ordered to
stand fast at Qom until the return of the Prime Minister, who is at present
away from Tehran. On his return the matter will be discussed. In the event of
Mashallah Khan escaping from Kashan, I think it should be understood that South
Persia Rifles will not follow him, unless there is a reasonable chance of
catching him within a period to be laid down by you." Fraser's telegram
factor of surprise has been eliminated by the intervention of Fazlullah'a Gendarmes,
and given Mashallah Khan time to remove valuables and make preparations
for flight into the desert.
are reasonable grounds for fear that Fazlullah's Gendarmes may loot Kashan, and
if South Persia Rides troops were there, they would not escape odium, even if
they could be restrained by British officers. In the event of South Persia
Rifles column operating towards Kashan, I would like to stipulate the
South Persia Rifles would not enter Kashan if Gendarmerie were there, and also
that Mashallah Khan would not be pursued into the desert by South Persia
Rifles, unless Fraser saw reasonable chance of quick success, viz, of bringing
Mashallah Khan to action not more than one day's march from Kashan.
the event of Mashallah Khan succeeding in escaping, I would prefer that
South Persia Rifles troops should discontinue operations and leave Kashan
affairs in the hands of Fazlullah's Gendarmes.
own remarks have been repeated, under the same number, to Isfahan and Tehran.
{ The commanding officer of the S.R.P clearly
has pointed out that his men are not in any position to handle well experienced
and trained men of Naybies in the desert areas! }
(Received with Army Department memorandum No.
9S04, dated the 21st July 1919.) Telegram P, No. 695-M. dated the 16th
[received 17th] July 1919. From - Sir percy cox, Tehran.
To - The chief of the General Staff, Simla. (Repeated
Orton and Haig)
regards Mashllah Khan, I have explained the position to the Prime Minister. The
Gendarmes have been halted at Qom and instructed, in confidence, to get into
communication with Fraser and concert joint plans. Should Mashallah Khan take
to the flight, the Gendarmerie can occupy Kashan and his property confiscated.
Fraser's mission might then be considered at an end.
With regard to future dispositions now that with our
assistance central Government has a firm footing in Isfahan, the Persian government are anxious that a portion
of the south Persia Rifles should
remain there for the present, at all events until the Bakhtiari Khans have had
their meetings, and the Bakhtiari policy for the near future has been
determined. Whether the force of two squadrons, two platoons and two Guns
proposed by Orton will suffice. I find it difficult to say off hand on this
point I would like to hear the views of Fraser and Haig.
* * *
Decypher. D. 19th
July 1919
No.154. Urgent.
From Haig Ispahan.
Your telegram No. 126.
left Ravand on night of July 17th for Farahabad on the way to Siyah Kuh. He
said he was going to avoid gendarmerie and go to Tehran but is probably going
to Siyah Kuh.
is beyond reach of S.P.R. nor, and Fraser thinks
gendarmerie might advance from Qom. If they see a chance of cutting off
Mashallah, of which there is little probable chance they will do so but
otherwise they should occupy Kashan.
Mashallah has removed all his movable property from Kashan and only
about 100 of his sawars are hanging about there but he will return unless the
place is occupied. Fazlullah Khan should take a Ghulam with a telephone from
Qum and could send in information daily, I concur.
egg 20/7
see Colonel Gleerup or write urgently. Say that
combined operations against Mashallah Khan is definitely abandoned and
S.P.R. have been informed that they can now leave Isfahan province and return
to their headquarters, and Col H. has been
informed that gendarmerie will replace them at Isfahan. Give him purport of
above telegram re advance by Fazlullah and occupation of Kashan and matter of
telephone communication. N.L
* * *
165. July 20, 1919
Khan and his father, Nayeb Husseyn, left Kashan with 40 sawars on the afternoon
of July 15 for Ravand, two Farsakhs to the north-West of Kashan and thence went
to Farah Abad. Mashallah said that his intention was to avoid the gendarmes and
to go to Tehran. But this is generally believed that he intends to go to Syah Kooh,
which is one of his strongholds and there await less troublous times. But Kashan should be occupied. He left three
brothers and about 100 Sawars in the town. The gendarmes have now been ordered
to continue their march towards Isfahan and were to have left Qom on the
morning of July 21.
harvesting of wheat at Ardistan has now been finished.
* * *
Tolegram P., No. 89, dated the 20th (received 21
at) July 919.
From—Britannic Majesty’s Charge d'affaires and
Special commissioner, Tehran,
To—The Foreign Secretary to the Government of
India in the Foreign and Political Department, Simla.
(Addressed Haig for Fraser; repeated Orton,
Shiraz and Foreign, Simla, for Chief of the General Staff.)
regard to your apprehensions that friction would result between, Fraser's
column and Gendarmerie if they met a contingency which would at present
juncture be highly undesirable and in view of fact that operations against
Mashallah are now abandoned, and Gendarmerie force available for Isfahan,
Persian government do not feel justified in asking for south Persia Rifles to
be retained any longer in Isfahan province and agree to their return to their headquarters
* * *
July 27, 1919.
171. Large numbers of pilgrims are leaving Qom
for Karbala. The gendarmes from Tehran, under the command of Major Fazlullah
Khan arrived at Kashan on July 24 and were welcomed by the people who, however,
are apprehensive lest, when they leave Kashan, Mashallah Khan should return and
called them to account for having welcomed the gendarmes.
Mashallah sent his secretary to Major FazlullaH Khan to
ascertain his intentions towards him, and Major Fazlullah Khan sent one officer
to Mashallah to assure him that no action would be taken if he may yet listen
to reason
August 3, 1919
Khan arrived at Qom with about 200 men on August 2. He is expected to halt there for two or three days and then go
on to Tehran. His father and his brothers, with about 50 Sawars are at Neyasar.
gendarmes are still awaiting at Kashan the news of Mashallah Khan's departure
from Qum for Tehran, when this is received, they will leave posts between
Shurab and Kashan and leave for Isfahan.
* * *
August 10, 1919
182. On august 6,
a fight occurred at Chahar-taqi, near
Kashan, between Khalil Khan Turzani and 20 who had deserted from Mashallah's
gang and some of Mashallah's men. The latter were put to flight. Some robberies
supposed to be the work of Mashallah's men, are reported from the neighborhood
of Kashan.
On August 8, the Shiraz column, under the
colonel Frazer, attacked and captured the fort of Faragheh belonging to Ali
Agha and Nayeb Khan. Ali Agha, who was wounded severely, was captured with 24
other prisoners. Nayeb Khan escaped, but
it is believed that he was wounded. Other Khans who offered no opposition, were
captured and are to be bound over to be of good behavior.
Rajab Ali is said to be active again on the Tehran road, and the Yazd road is unsafe. Other roads are
safe and the governor has discontinued the levy of tolls on the Bakhtiari and
Tehran roads.
* * *
Decipher N 0.182.
Decypher. D.6 Aug.I919.
No. 162. From
Haig. Isfahan.
Telegrams dated Aug. 5th from Mashallah and signaler at Qom state
that Mashallah left for Tehran that afternoon. He appears to have from 150 to 300 armed men with him and Persian
Government may wish to warn him that such a force cannot be admitted.
{The British are worried, why Mashallah khan is
taking 300 armed men into capital!?}
* * *
No. 166
14th August 1919
Haig Isfahan.
My telegram 136.
that Mashallah has arrived at Tehran Persian Government might make an effort to
recover some of the property stolen or received by him. Among these are forty bale Of wool belonging to
Sofer and Company. Goods worth
fifteen hundred tomans belonging to Peters, and goods worth five thousand tomans belonging to an
Armenian of Julfa who deserves
assistance as he has lost all that he
Ask Etela ed Dowleh EGG I4/8
sound Etela . I think P.G. will have to go easy
with regard to past claims or else he
will go into outlawry again but we
must do what we can for our own
people. 14/8 DL.
tells me the ball is going to be opened with Mashallah Khan
tomorrow and he hopes that the settlement of these cases may form part of the general arrangement
to be come to. E.G.G. 15/8.
* * *
August 17, 1919
Kashan it is reported that the town is in very good order but that the environs
are disturbed by Nayeb Husseyn's men, who are robbing the people. The
commandant of the gendarmes has so far taken no steps against them as he has no
instructions to this effect.
August 24,
the gendarmes are still at Kashan.
* * *
August 31, 1919
200. The
gendarmes have Captured Farah - Abad and Qalah, two of: Mashallah's forts and
Nayeb Husseyn, with about forty men, has fled towards Natanz, pursued by
another body of gendarmes. The gendarmes have arrested many who have been in
league with Mashallah Khan's gang and have collected over a thousand head of
cattle, many rifles and horses and quantities of household goods and stores
belonging to the gang. Mashallah's "road guards" between Kashan and
Khalid- Abad, 22 in number, have
surrender to the gendarmes, and the road from shursb to Kashan is now guarded
by the gendarmes. Ali Alavi, one of the leading men of Mashallah's gang was
hanged in Kashan on August 30.
* * *
D.6th Sept 1919,
From Haig Ispahan.
am informed: gendarmre in Kashan who began very well are now causing
discontent. They are said to be extorting
considerable sums from those accused of having been connected with Mashallah's
gang and to have reported to Tehran less than a tenth of recoveries made by
them. Their discipline is also said to be growing lax. I venture to suggest the
dispatch of a European officer from Tehran to make enquires and take any action
that may be necessary.
{What the British forcasted before is happening
in Kashan! the Gendarms have got the opportunity to loot the civilian and
common people of Kashan. As there is no Naibies left in Kashan to blame the
looting by them! So the Kashanies realized anybody who is armed with a rifle
can be a looter! and it is not necessary to be called a highway rubber or professional looters!?}
September 7, 1919
Nayeb Husseyn who was much affected by the news of the
execution of his son Mashallah, in Tehran, has been pursued by the gendarmes
from Kashan during the week, and has been giving much trouble to the
inhabitants of the villages through which he has passed. The gendarmes have succeed in capturing him
and two of his sons after some fighting and he is to be taken into Kashan on
September 8.
The gendarmes have hanged during the week, another member of
Mashallah's gang. They are said to have collected
from Mashallah's gang and from his various places of refuge very large
quantities of stores.
Fortunately an inspector has arrived from Tehran to
investigate the matter of goods and cash recovered by the gendarmes.
September 14, 1919
* * *
13, September 1919
gendarmes from Kashan have collected
sixty rifles from Mehabad and have also disarmed three of the Mamurs of the
Bakhtiari deputy governor Of Ardistan, who were oppressing the people. And:
Mojahed-Ul- Saltaneh who is being brought under arrest to Isfahan, for an
inquiry into his peculation, passed Kashan on September 13.
{The following reports by the British consul is
an example that in the central part of Iran during that period most of the
appointed governors of provinces and cities and their Mamurs (official guards)
were oppressing and rubbing the citizens of Iran!}
* * *
September 14,
Nayeb Husseyn and two of his sons have been
captured by gendarmes from Kashan.
All three were wounded, one of the sons severely. It is said that the wounds
were inflicted by
one of their own followers.
people of Kashan were delighted at the news of capture and assembled in crowds
to see the prisoners brought into Kashan on September 9. The town was illuminated in the evening. One of Mashallah's
followers was hanged at Kashan on September, 7,
and another on September, 9.
political offenders Vis-Mostashar-Ul- Dowleh, Mohtasham-Ul -
Saltaneh, Motazam-Ul-Dowleh, Motazam-Ul-Molk and
Haji Moin-Ul-Tojjar-i- Bushehri, have arrived at Kashan by motor car from Tehran and are lodged in one of Mashallah's
houses and guarded by gendarmes.
The motor Car in which they arrived, took Nayeb Husseyn
and his two sons to Tehran.
{These five prisoned guys were among many
Iranianns whom opposed the 1919 Forced agreement upon Iran by 3 traitors:
Vosugh - ed - Doleh, Nosrat - ed - Doleh and sarem - ed - Doleh. The british paid those three the sum of 131
thousand pounds to initiate this agreement.}
* * *
September 21,
One of Mashallah's followers was hanged in Kashan on September
The officer commanding the gendarmes. At Kashan has prohibited
visits to the political prisoners, and in having them closely watched. The
reason for this precaution is that seditious pamphlets were discovered
concealed in parcels of clothes and shoes sent to the Detainees by their
families. Complaints
continue to be received against Ezzatollah Khan Governor of Ardistan. His
assistance, Hosseyn Agha Khan, left Ardistan on September 19, apparently for
the purpose of conveying his spoils to Chahar Mahal.
The people of Sedeh are
complaining of the rapacity of their governor.
{Tehran Government with the help and advice of British
officials in Iran prepared a plan to get rid of the Naybies who been accused of
high way robberies and looting etc, etc. But within a few days after the forces
of Gendarmeri setteled down in Kashan and made sure the Naybie clans are no
longer the ruler and controler of Kashan and her outskirt, have shown their
real ugly faces , and started to extorte cosiderable sums from the
* * *
October 5, 1919
Document No.
Dated October 1919 to 4th January 1920
that the Naibies are whipped out of the surface of the earth! One notices that
nothing has changed and all the doors revolve around the same old hinges! The
people who were claiming that the Naibies were the go geters and highway rubbers!
But it seems one group of supposedly rubbers are eliminated, but ten or more
gangs have replaced them. For example we mention: Ezatollah Khan in Ardistan,
his mamurs in the villages collecting tolls. major Fazlollah Khan the gendarmeri chief in
Kashan, the inspectors, the chief of police , governor of Kashan etc, etc.
the head of the Gendarmeri pretend to have collected from the properties of Nayebian
is limited to rifles and a herd of sheeps and Goats! but no mention of other valuables , that the
naibies were blamed of stealing from rich kashanies!? And
the inspectores sent from Teheran to supervise the amount of the looties taken
by Nayebies!?
new inspector sent from Tehran to evaluate the property of Mashallah Khan and
Nayeb Husseyn, arrests the former inspector! He places the town police under
the supervision of the gendarmerie and dismisses many of the police men!
Sardar- i - Jang has at length recalled Ezzatollah Khan from Ardistan and
Zeyqam- Ul - Dowleh, from Abarqu, and the two districts will now be relieved
from the exactions of these two robbers.
Khan, an inspector who arrived from Tehran, suspense's the governor of Kashan
and the financial agent, because whatever they took from the Naibies did not
share it with Major. And he has broken into some houses during the night, and
arrested a few women on the pretext that they had property belonging to the
late Nayeb Husseyn. For this, many
people's Strong complaints were sent to Tehran and as a result of these complains
Pasha Khan is recalled to Tehran.
* * *
October 5,
No. 40
The financial agent and the commandant of the Gendarmeri at
Kashan have taken charge of all houses,
lands and immovable property of the late Mashallah. His
movable property is to be
sold and the proceeds applied to defraying the cost of the operations against
him, the surplus if any,
being devoted to necessary repairs
to streets etc. in Kashan.
* * *
Some petty robberies committed
by masked men on the Quhrud road
to Kashan are
attributed to members of the late Mashallah's gang. The Yazd road
is still unsafe, but other roads in the province are safe.
October 5, 1919
depredation of Ezzatollah Khan continue in Ardistan and having road tolls are
still levied. His Mamurs are still lurking in many villages and extorting
gendarmes without arms arrived at Kashan from Tehran on October 16, and were
armed with rifles captured from Mashallah's gang. 600 gendarmes left Kashan on
October 16 for Isfahan. They are to place posts on the road.
1394 y—1
* * *
Decipher Dated 14th recd
No. 209 15th
October 1919.
From Haig. Isfahan.
Your telegram 162.
Clerk denies he has ever attempted to protect Mashalla's family. They have applied to him for protection and
he has invariably referred them to Major.
He also denies he has any property of the late Mashallah in Telegraph
Office. One Bahram Kaus delivered to Clerk some cases of ammunition which
Mashallah had deposited in his village and Clerk delivered to them at once to
hear that Clerk and Yavar are outwardly on very good terms but I fear I am
responsible for a little ill feeling between them. I asked Yavar to settle a
claim out of some money of Mashallah's which was with Bahram Kaus
and Yavar who wanted this money for himself believes
Clerk put me on the track of it.
I hear Yavar is feathering his nest well in Kashan and
that Inspector who was sent to report on recoveries has been won over by him.
EGO 15/10
I will
explain to Mansur- el- molk when he reverts to question
October 26, 1919
An inspector has arrived at Kashan from Tehran to inquire into
the amount and disposal of the property of the late Nayeb Husseyn and
Mashallah, and has arrested the former inspector.
The town police of Kashan have been placed under the orders of
the gendarmerie and many of the policemen have been dismissed.
Sardar- i - Jang has at the length recalled Ezzatollah Khan
from Ardistan and Zeyqam - Ul - Dowieh, from Abarqu, and the two districts will
now be relieved from the exactions of these two robbers.
* * *
November 9,
It is reported from Kashan that Pasha Khan, an inspector who
arrived sometimes ago from Tehran, suspended the governor of Kashan and the
financial agent and broke into some houses during the night. He also arrested a
few women on the pretext that they had property belonging to the late Nayeb
Husseyn. Strong complaints were sent to
Tehran and Pasha Khan was recalled.
* * *
On January 4, 1920 Reports from Kashan states that the chief of
police was also arrested and sent to Tehran with Ali Khan Mashgooni. It is understood that Chief of Police has had
the intentionn to rob the office of the local treasury.
Wife of Nayeb Husseyn has petitioned Government for the release of the
two sons, Mansour and Amir.
{When chief of Police intends to rub the
treasury! Then why did people expect a rabble
be honest!?}
* * *
F.O. 248 / 1242
Document Number 8/19
May 17, 1923 American Legation
The octogenarian Persian Prince, Farman Farma,
has spoken for all Persia when he said: ''Quand je ne peux pas intriguer, Je
suis malade."
The limit of a Persian Cabinet's life is three
Capable as the Persians may be as Cabinet
breakers, they are not so successful as Cabinet makers.
Pro-Turkish movements 'in Qum and Kashan,
Mashallah Khan offers his services to Persian Government for War.
( Mashallah Khand sends a telegram to central
Government offering volenterely his
support to fight against any enmy of Iran. with his three thousand fighting
men. While other tribe's Khans such as Bakhtiari promissed their support to the
British only. Even agaist
* * *
سردار ظفر بختیاری
در خصوص حادثه
شلیل می
سردار سپه وزیر جنگ [رضاخان] سیصد نفر
نظامی برای خوزستان که از راه بختیاری بروند خوزستان ،نظامیان آمدند دهکرد ...علی
الجمله نظامیان از شلمزار گذشتند بی اینکه کسی را نزد خوانین بفرستند و خبر کنند
که در خاک شما آمده ایم و می خواهیم برویم خوزستان ،خوانین را خون ایلیت بجوش آمد
... مشورت کردند و گفتند :چون نظامیان بی اعتنایی و اهانت به ما کردند ،نباید
بگذاریم سالم از خاک بختیاری بگذرند ،یکی از جمله خوانین هم من بودم که رای دادیم
که بفرستند سر راه بر آنها بگیرند و تمام آنها را خلع سلاح کنند ولی کسی را از
نظامیان نکشند